Our Sponsors

These Dance & Gymnastics Studios have supported our brand, and I wanted to ask you to support them.


All About Dance www.allaboutdanceinc.com

A Dancer’s World www.adancersworldla.com

Center Stage Performing Arts Academy www.centerstagepaa.com

Jete Dance Company www.jetedancecompany.com 

Divine Dance www.divinedance.net 

DeFrances Academy of Dance www.defrancedance.com 

Infinity Dance Center https://www.facebook.com/Infinitydancecenteridc/

The Danse Difference http://thedansedifference.wix.com/la

LMD Dance Academy https://www.facebook.com/LMDDANCEACADEMY/

Lori's School of Dance www.lorisschoolofdance.wixsite.com/website

Jamie’s Dance Dimensions https://jamiesdance.webs.com/ 

Athletes In Motion www.aimgym.com 

Xcel Gymnastics http://www.xcelgym.com

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